Contact Name
Company Name
Event / Function Name (if applicable)
Booking / Function Date
Email Address
1. How did you find the overall appearance of the room? (Cleanliness, décor etc.)
2. Were the temperature and air quality comfortable?
3. Was the staff member who discussed arrangements / made your booking helpful and courteous?
4. Did we get it right?
5. Were staff helpful on the day of the event / function?
6. Please tick the equipment you used during your event / function
7. Did you receive appropriate instruction for the use of the equipment?
8. Did everything work as expected?
9. Please list any equipment you would like to see offered in the future
10. Please rate the taste & quality of the food served (if applicable):
11. Tell us your reaction to the presentation of your food:
12. Are you likely to choose the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden for future events/functions?
13. Do you feel the services, equipment & facilities represent a good value for money?
Any further comments?
Thank you for your feedback – we look forward to seeing you again.